Ubuntu no sound issue

Methods to settle no sound in Ubuntu

Initial step, just to confirm, check if the sound isn’t quieted. When you confirm this, go to Sound Settings:

In the Sound Settings, you’ll see that you have for all intents and purposes nothing here aside from a fake yield. Very disappointing.

No stresses. The one shot arrangement which settled the sound issue for me on my Intel fueled Dell Inspiron N4010 is to compel reload Alsa. To do that, utilization the accompanying order in terminal (Ctrl+Alt+T):

[cc]sudo alsa constrain reload[/cc]

You may believe that it is hanged or still in handling however it takes just couple of seconds. You can basically close it a while later by utilizing Ctrl+C. Presently, you have to reboot your PC. On the off chance that at the following start up, you hear the login sound at the bolt screen, you know it had exactly the intended effect.

First Alternate technique to settle no stable in Ubuntu:

On the off chance that the above issue did not settle it for you, have a go at reinstalling Alsa and Pulse sound in the accompanying way:

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[cc]sudo adept get expel – cleanse alsa-base pulseaudio

sudo able get introduce alsa-base pulseaudio[/cc]

What’s more, drive reload Alsa once more:

[cc]sudo alsa force-reload[/cc]

Restart and appreciate the universe of sound, once more.

Second Alternate technique to settle no solid in Ubuntu:

Open the terminal and alter discourse dispatcher document by utilizing the accompanying order:

[cc]sudo gedit /etc/default/speech-dispatcher[/cc]

In here, change RUN=yes to RUN=no

Reboot and appreciate the sound.