Instructions to Reset the User Password in Linux WSL

Need to change the secret word of a client on Windows Subsystem for Linux? This aide will assist you with excursion the cycle.

Windows Subsystem for Linux permits you to run a Linux terminal inside a Windows 10 climate. Perhaps the best component of WSL is that it naturally logs you in as a default client when you raise the WSL terminal. And this occurs without the client’s default secret word.

In a Linux framework, on the off chance that you failed to remember your secret phrase, you can reset it by booting into GRUB and resetting it from that point. Notwithstanding, WSL doesn’t follow a typical boot measure, which makes the previously mentioned measure invalid and void. In any case, in the event that you need to reset the secret word utilizing WSL, there is a simpler method to do as such.

This aide will talk about the way toward changing client passwords in Ubuntu WSL. The interaction for changing the secret word on other WSL dispersions is pretty much something similar.

Change the User Password in Ubuntu WSL

  • Change the default username for your WSL distro to root. Then, at that point, run the config order as follows:

ubuntu config – default-client root

  • Dispatch your Linux dispersion, in the event that you are working with a default WSL distro.
  • Reset your secret phrase by composing in the passwd order.


  • To reset the secret phrase of a particular client, pass the username with the order. For instance:

passwd winibhalla

  • Leave your WSL meeting and set the default client of the WSL distro back to your client account.

ubuntu config – default-client winibhalla

Note: You can utilize the accompanying orders to change your default client to establish in a WSL distro.

Supplant root with another client account name, so the framework sets it as the default client represent the distro being used. The orders to set the default client to establish are something similar in other Linux conveyances also.

  • To set root as the default client on Ubuntu:

ubuntu config – default-client root

  • On OpenSuse Linux:

sles-12 config – default-client root

  • Changing the default client on Kali Linux is simple too:

kali config – default-client root

  • To change the default client to root on Debian:

debian config – default-client root

Resetting Your Password on WSL, the Easy Way

The cycle is somewhat straightforward, and surprisingly an amateur can do it by utilizing the above advances. The thought is to simply follow the interaction bit by bit, and you can’t turn out badly.

On a customary Linux establishment, you can utilize the passwd order to change your record secret key without any problem. Unix is