The 4 Best Sites to Download Virtual Disk Images for VirtualBox

Download virtual machine pictures to save time! Here are the best destinations to download virtual plate pictures for VirtualBox.

A virtual machine allows you to copy an alternate working framework. You can attempt an alternate working framework without leaving the limits of the host, be that Windows, macOS, Linux, or something else. Additionally, a virtual machine has numerous utilizations, like testing programming, booting up old games, or malware examination.

More often than not, you introduce the test working in the virtual machine. In any case, you can likewise download pre-assembled virtual machine pictures to save yourself some time. Thus, here are a few sites from where you can download virtual circle pictures for VirtualBox.

What Is a Virtual Disk Image?

A virtual plate picture (VDI) is the picture of a VirtualBox virtual hard circle. You can download a VDI, load it in VirtualBox (or another virtual machine instrument), and burden the pre-fabricated working framework climate. For some clients, it saves time to download and introduce a working framework in VirtualBox.

VDIs are an accurate clone of the working framework assemble climate that anybody can download and use on another machine.

VDIs are the virtual circle picture compartment for VirtualBox. Notwithstanding, VirtualBox virtual plate pictures are a long way from the solitary virtual machine circle picture type. You may likewise experience:

  • VMDK: VMDK was the virtual plate picture compartment of VMware yet is currently an open standard that practically all virtual machine applications can utilize.
  • VHD: VHD is Microsoft’s virtual plate picture compartment.
  • HDD: No, it’s anything but your hard plate drive. HDD is a plate picture design made utilizing Parallels, the macOS virtual machine application.

Alright, presently how about we go on to the VDI download locales and see what they offer.

Operating system Boxes

Operating system Boxes is a helpful site posting almost 60 distinctive virtual circle pictures. The VDIs incorporate the most mainstream Linux distros, and a couple of dark ones, as well. The VDIs on offer utilize moderately exceptional variants of the Linux working frameworks, one of OS Boxes’ best highlights.

Particularly given numerous other VDI download alternatives utilize amazingly old adaptations for their VDI fabricate.

Albeit other VDI download destinations may offer a more extensive choice, OS Boxes’ present VDIs make it probably the most ideal alternative.


The VirtualBoxes Image segment has a rundown of almost 50 VDIs you can download free of charge. Following on from the past area, VirtualBoxes VDIs are old. For example, the Arch Linux VDI utilizes a form from 2014, seven years of age at the hour of composing.

Nonetheless, VirtualBoxes offers some pre-constructed VDIs that OS Boxes are yet to transfer.

On the off chance that there is a particular VDI you are keen on, and particularly in the event that you are searching for a more seasoned form (for security testing or else), you may discover it on VirtualBoxes.

Virtual Disk Images

Virtual Disk Images offers an alternate choice to the past two VDI destinations. Rather than pre-fabricated Linux distros, Virtual Disk Images gives you a determination of Windows VDIs. They’re an extraordinary Windows VDIs, all things considered. For instance, you can download Windows 98, Windows NT 4.0, and Windows ME, to give some examples.

You will not discover a VDI for Windows 10 here. Yet, you can exploit the pre-fabricated Windows VDIs to take an outing back on schedule and experience Windows before the “cutting edge” period.


Sysprobes offers a combination of Linux and Windows Virtualbox pictures for download. You’ll discover Linux VDIs for mainstream distros, including Debian, Fedora, FreeNAS, Lint, and Ubuntu.

You additionally have Windows Virtualbox picture choices, for example, Windows 98 SE, Windows 7, and Windows 8.1, alongside certain Windows Server pictures as well.

Instructions to Install a VDI in VirtualBox

Uncertain of how to manage your virtual circle picture since you have it? Here’s a fast instructional exercise on the most proficient method to introduce the VDI in VirtualBox.

  • In VirtualBox, select New.
  • Enter a Name, then, at that point change the Type and Version to coordinate with the VDI you need to utilize.
  • Select Use a current virtual hard plate record, then, at that point peruse to the area of the virtual circle picture you need to utilize. Select Create.
  • Right-click the recently made VDI in your VirtualBox Manager. Modify the VDI settings to suit your framework.
  • Double tap the VDI and boot into the pre-constructed working framework.

Look at our broad manual for VirtualBox for a stack more data on dealing with your VDIs.

ISO versus VDI: Which Is Better?

Before you begin downloading a lot of VDIs to use with VirtualBox, consider utilizing their ISO picture choices.

Generally, the VDIs utilize an obsolete ISO for their VDI construct. That isn’t rigorously an issue. Be that as it may, you should invest additional energy refreshing the VDI once it loads. Then again, you could introduce an ISO in VirtualBox.

You would in any case refresh the working framework prior to utilizing it, however the odds are the ISO update will take a more limited time. That is on the grounds that a download of the most recent ISO incorporates the mind-boggling larger part of framework refreshes.

Downloading and introducing through an ISO record likewise gives you power over the working framework establishment measure, tweaking settings to suit your prerequisites.

Virtual Disk Image Downloads Galore

Virtual circle pictures do enjoy some upper hands over ISOs. You can download and introduce a scope of working frameworks without any problem. It shouldn’t take long to boot into the framework once downloaded, and you can generally change it out for another VDI if the climate or experience isn’t what you need or need.

These VDI download locales offer the best determination of clean and totally free virtual plate pictures. We wouldn’t encourage you to wander excessively far from the most common way to go, looking for elective VDI download destinations. The choice is negligible. At times, the lesser-realized destinations may have malware or even noxious VDIs.