The 5 Best Cross-Platform Apps to Get Things Done

Searching for an application that can assist you with completing your work across the entirety of your gadgets? Look at these 5 applications!

Customarily, work was done on one stage: your work PC. However, as web speeds expanded and gadgets shrank, individuals had the option to work anyplace.

Today, even cell phones and tablets are adequately incredible to deal with moderate errands. In this way, in the event that you begin working on a PC and need to proceed while in a hurry, you can do as such with the gadget, you convey in your pocket.

In any case, how would you do that? With applications, obviously! Here are the 5 best applications for completing your work anyplace, on any gadget.


For getting to work documents from anyplace, you’ll need a cloud drive. While there are numerous suppliers to browse, OneDrive is among the awesome.

As of now, it is accessible in both the Windows and Mac OS Finder. You can make, change, and erase records across the entirety of your gadgets when on the web. In the event that there is no association accessible, the PC will refresh whenever it is on the web.

Past record matching up, it’s additionally coordinated with the Microsoft Suite. You can save any Excel, Powerpoint, and Word report progressively in the event that you buy in to Microsoft 365. In this way, you will presently don’t lose work since you neglected to save.

You can impart records on OneDrive to others, making cooperation a ton simpler. On the off chance that you don’t have the Office applications introduced on your gadget, you can in any case utilize the web variant of Office! This makes it extraordinary compared to other cloud drives accessible.

Also, it has applications for Android and iOS, so you can get to your documents in a hurry. Besides, it consequently backs up your photographs on your gadget. Thus, regardless of whether you lose or change your telephone, your recollections will be protected on your drive.

Download: OneDrive for Android | iOS | Mac | Windows (Free, membership accessible)

Microsoft 365

Office Suite is perhaps the most regularly utilized applications for general work. It’s anything but a word processor, a bookkeeping page, and show programming.

Despite the fact that Google’s G Suite right now has the greater part portion of the overall industry, nobody can beat the commonality of Microsoft’s contribution. Additionally, Google’s application, shockingly, doesn’t have independent programming for Windows and Mac. We suggested Microsoft 365 therefore.

You can download Microsoft Excel, Powerpoint, and Word for Android, iOS, Mac, and Windows. In this way, you can utilize these applications regardless of whether you’re not on the web. You can likewise utilize their web application from anyplace. Thus, you will not need to introduce anything in case you’re getting the gadget.

Besides, these applications have comparable UIs paying little heed to the stage. Therefore, you won’t experience issues changing in the event that you are utilizing both a PC and an iPad.

You can download these applications on your PC, however you will require a membership. Furthermore, you’ll likewise get 1 TB of OneDrive stockpiling and an hour of Skype calls worldwide in the event that you join. You’ll get incredible worth with one year of Microsoft 365.

Download: Microsoft 365 for Mac and Windows | Android | iOS (Subscription required)


Canva is a superb apparatus for visual creatives who work on making plans, logos, and significantly more. This visual computerization stage is not difficult to use for novices. It’s likewise best in class enough to rival Adobe Photoshop for transitional clients.

You can browse thousands, if not millions, of formats on this stage. Also, it offers stock pictures, photographs, recordings, and sound, permitting you to extend your imagination.

Canva permits you to make introductions, banners, web-based media posts, infographics, logos, recordings, and cards, among numerous different things.

It began as a web application, yet they currently offer Android, iOS, Mac, and Windows variants. Moreover, it is free for you to utilize! You can likewise buy in on the off chance that you’d prefer to approach their whole substance library, just as different highlights.

Download: Canva for Android | iOS | Mac | Windows (Free, membership accessible)


On the off chance that you like making arrangements of the things you need to achieve, Trello is an awesome application. You can make cards (sees) and sort out them into records utilizing this online programming.

In like manner, you can add set due dates, connections, agendas, names, and even cover photographs to each card. You can welcome a limitless number of colleagues to chip away at a board with you.

The card can be appointed to different individuals, labeled in the remarks segment, and surprisingly shared on the web. With its basic UI, it’s not difficult to utilize, yet it has numerous highlights that make it a valuable cooperation instrument.

You can have up to 10 sheets for nothing on the off chance that you work on different activities. It keeps each venture on its own board so you will not get mistaken for what you need to do.

Download: Trello for Android | iOS | Mac | Windows (Free, membership accessible)


Proficient correspondence requires legitimate sentence structure, spelling, and accentuation, regardless of what you’re doing. Grammarly is an incredible cross-stage application for checking anything you compose for blunders.

You can check the fundamentals with the free form. However, the organization offers a superior form permitting you to check lucidity, tone, word decision, and familiarity.

Grammarly additionally offers augmentations for Chrome, Safari, Firefox, and Edge notwithstanding the downloadable applications. There are likewise add-ins for Microsoft Word, Google Docs, and Outlook. This guarantees your composed yield is immaculate.

For both Android and iOS, you can download a console application, so it can check as you type on your telephone also. This application goes past your ordinary spell-checker. An integral asset will make you sound proficient and save you from botches consistently.

Download: Grammarly for Android | iOS | Mac | Windows (Free, membership accessible)

Be Productive Anywhere on Any Device

You can utilize these applications on your cell phone or tablet to work across gadgets. Generally, these fundamental applications are useful for everybody. You will at this point don’t should be attached to a table and screen to do your jobs.

All you need is a functioning web association and a respectable cell phone to achieve your objectives. It’s an ideal opportunity to will work!